Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Psalm 41:1-2 Consider the Poor

1Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the LORD will deliver him in time of trouble. 2The LORD will preserve him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth: and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies. I turned to this passage quite by accident today. I was aiming for Psalm 46, but mistyped and ended up here. As I read this passage repeatedly, I found myself thinking of the Occupy Wall Street movement. It is a fight for the poor and unemployed. It is a fight against oppression. It is a fight-in its most basic form- for consideration. Corporations, politicians, and the general 1% are in a position to consider the poor. In particular those corporations that requested or accepted bailout money from the government (read: taxpayers ), should be keeping their promises to use that money to help the poor. But we do not see that happening. Corporations want money. Politicians want jobs. The 1% want influence, if not control. Funny that's what the rest of us-the 99% and the 53%-also want. We want jobs, enough money to live, and influence in our own government. That last is supposed to be a constitutional right, though these days it seems more of a purchased privilege. If corporations are people*, then they should read this message in God's word: Blessed is he that considerate the poor. If they create these jobs that they promised to help the poor, God says he will preserve them in times of trouble (so don't worry about that bottom line or tax liability). God says He will keep them alive and blessed upon the earth. I suppose some might think their fifth car or fourth vacation house more important, but I don't. On the other hand, if corporations are not people… then CEOs could still benefit from some basic lessons in humanity. *I am not saying that I believe that corporations are people. I don't. But if "you" think they are, then fear for their souls. And their CEOs.

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